Transparency in Coverage
Here at Oscar, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to understand how your insurance coverage works.

Below, you will find all our Transparency in Coverage information, which can be very helpful when navigating the ideas, words, and documents that you might come across when seeking care.
If you have questions about what’s written below – or about your Oscar health plan more generally – give us a call at (855) 672-2755.Arizona Transparency in Coverage
Florida Transparency in Coverage
Georgia Transparency in Coverage
Illinois Transparency in Coverage
Iowa Transparency in Coverage
Kansas Transparency in Coverage
Michigan Transparency in Coverage
Missouri Transparency in Coverage
Nebraska Transparency in Coverage
New Jersey Transparency in Coverage
New York Transparency in Coverage
North Carolina Transparency in Coverage
Ohio (Cleveland) Transparency in Coverage
Ohio (Columbus) Transparency in Coverage
Oklahoma Transparency in Coverage
Pennsylvania Transparency in Coverage
Tennessee Transparency in Coverage
Texas Transparency in Coverage
Virginia Transparency in Coverage